Notes: Lightning Talks, Round 3

Last modified by kaitlin on 2024-02-10, 23:53

This year, we're trying something new at Scholars Portal Day: shared session notes. An official note-taker will take notes throughout the session. If you have a spotdocs account, you can feel free to add your own notes to the page as well! If you don't have an account, contribute by leaving a comment below.

  • Picking a needle out of the haystack: where to start when you have 20,000 videos to caption - Nancy Waite, McMaster University
    • Goal to make legacy video collection captioned by Jan 1, 2020
    • Ensure catalogue record is up-to-date with captioning status
    • 546 field with caption note
    • Hoped to use closed-captioning as a search filter in the catalogue
    • All video cases with captioning were labelled with yellow (closed captioning), blue (silent film), and red stickers (subtitles)
    • Worked with the library's Video Booking Department
    • Steps:
      • contact producer
      • upload to
      • receive files
      • burn in open captions with DVDFab
      • share files with instructors
    • 37 titles captioned first year, 56 second year, only 2 so far this year
  • Starting the conversation: an initiative to highlight a wealth of resources by Indigenous authors -  Kim Vallee, Lakehead University
    • Northern Studies Resource Centre at Lakehead
    • Increased demand for texts by indigenous author
    • Used spine labels to identify indigenous authors
    • Trudy Russo, library liason, did consultations with Aboriginal Support Services department
    • Inspired by recommendations in CFLA Truth & Reconciliation Report - improving access to works by indigenous authors
    • Lakehead has an indigenous content requirement for courses - see
    • Challenge that no comprehensive directory of indigenous author's, so one was created - see
    • Strong Nations book seller ( sold the spine labels, which include the four colours of the medicine wheel encircling a turtle (representing turtle island)
    • Has helped librarians identify gaps in the collection
  • RDM in court: creating a repository for the Robinson Treaties Annuities Case - Tomasz Mrozewski, Laurentian University
    • Open digital repository of books created by the Robinson Treaties case
    • The case
      • Treaties signed in 1850, Robinson Huron and Robinson Superior
      • Plaintiffs hold that the crown have been remiss in their obligations and fiduciary duties stemming from these treaties
      • Being heard in 3 phases
    • The project - open digital repository of...
      • 26 witness reports, reply reports, and affidavits
      • 11884 pages of transcripts (phase 1)
      • 224.8 GB of video (phase 1)
      • opening and closing statements, chronologies,  exhibit lists, etc.
      • indices of ~2500 primary and secondary historical documents referenced, plus digital images (many images under copyright, though)
    • Technical solution
      • Collection subject to a court order (currently being drafted); follows the Court's Decision on Broadcasting -
      • Use SP Dataverse and (probably) the OLRC to host the collection
      • Create documentation and pathfinders to navigate the collection and contextualize items in civil proceedings
      • Working with 2 advisory groups; one legal (reps from all parties), one Indigenous
    • Being an 'accomplice'
      • Working closely with Office of the Associate VP, Academic & Indigenous Programs (AVPAI)
      • Working with Laurentian Native Education Council (LUNEC)
      • Ensuring work is done for the indigenous community, "in a good way"