Scholars Portal Day 2012

Last modified by Jacqueline Whyte Appleby on 2024-02-10, 23:53

Tentative schedule:

8:30 - coffee
 9:00 - opening remarks
 9:15 - keynote
 10:30 - break
 10:45 - SP Updates
 11:45 - Pecha Kucha session
 12:45 - Lunch/posters
 1:00 - BoF/unconference brainstorming
 1:15 - break out sessions
 break some time in the middle
3:15 - reconvene, discussion
 3:45 - closing remarks (we had to be out of there right at 4 PM last year, not sure if it'll be the same this time, could have longer break out sessions or more discussion time)

Tentative location:

Hart House Great Hall

Keynote: Unknown